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YU New International Students in 2021 Fall Semester (5)--ZIN MAR NWE(缅甸 植物保护 硕士研究生)

Article source: Editor: Release date: Nov 10, 2021 Clicks:

I am ZIN MAR NWE from Myanmar. I worked at the Plant Protection Division, Department of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. Now I am pursuing the Master student major in Plant Protection, School of Agriculture, Yangtze University.


In August 2021, I received an acceptance letter from Yangtze University and it was the beginning of the big expedition. I am attending the class from September 2021 until now via online according to the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe that one day I can study practically at Yangtze University. After getting admission I was able to get in touch with my Supervisor, Professor Deng Jianxin, who was equally patient and kind in explaining how the academic study would go. I would like to thank Professor Deng Jianxin, who accepts me as a master student under his supervision. All teachers in School of Agriculture and School of International Education are warm-hearted, helpful, and kind which helped me to complete my master’s course.


Being a master student interested in Fungal Plant Pathology, an incredible opportunity to study in China was not only advanced technology but also skillful languages. It is the marvelous blessing in my life. My future plan is to go back to my country to continue to do my work which I have advanced technology concerns with Fungal Plant Pathology and properly the knowledge and skills I gained during my master degree study in Yangtze University. I will do my  best to promote the field of plant protection in Myanmar. I am very grateful for the opportunity to study abroad, as this is a magnificent experience for a person who is studying language in China.  It will be a glory for the alumni of Yangtze University after 3 years and then I will make a contribution to the friendship of China-Myanmar .


I would like to thank my seniors AYE AY HTUN and SEIN LAI LAI AUNG who attended in Yangtze University recommended to me that it is a comprehensive institution of higher learning with strong support and a warm and friendly environment. Both of them published scientific papers in the SCI journal. They are pursuing their doctor's degree nowand they really set a good example for me. I will make use of  the precious 3 years in YU and make great progress in academic study. I also highly recommend it for approaching students who want to study different programs of agriculture in YU.



我是来自缅甸的 ZIN MAR NWE曾在缅甸农业、牲畜和灌溉部下属的植物保护部门工作现在长江大学农学院植物保护专业硕士研究生。2021年8月,我收到了长江大学的录取材料,这是留学生涯的开始。因为新冠疫情,我从2021年9月到现在通过网络进行在线课程的学习。我希望疫情早日结束,这样就可以来中国到长江大学实地学习。被录取后,我与导师邓建新教授取得了联系,他耐心地向我介绍了植物保护领域学术研究动态。感谢邓建新教授,在他的指导下,我对自己的硕士学习充满信心。农学院和国际教育学院的老师都很热情,我相信在他们的帮助下,能顺利的完成硕士学业


还要感谢在长江大学就读的两位缅甸籍优秀学姐 AYE AY HTUN 和 SEIN LAI LAI AUNG,是她们向我推荐了长江大学。二人在长江大学完成硕士学业后都在继续攻读博士研究生,在校期间都发表了高水平的SCI论文,她们为我树立了一个很好的榜样,这值得我好好学习。我将好好利用在长江大学学习的三年宝贵时光努力在学业上取得长足进步。长江大学是一所综合性的高等学府,有强大的科研团队绝佳的学习环境。我强烈想要来中国学习农学的国际学生推荐长江大学