“Jade is not useful without being cut and polished. You cannot be useful without being educated. Humans who lack education are unaware of the concepts of justice and humanity”. This is the first thing I have been told when I arrived at Yangtze University.My Name is NIKABOU BATIGMA BOUNDJOU. I am a Togolese postgraduate student studying Crop Genetics and Breeding in the School of Agriculture, Yangtze University. I received my master’s degree from Southwest University, one of the prestigious universities in China, and I keep good memories of all the time I spent over there. I am continuing to chase my dreams and give myself a chance to get higher education. Currently, I am pursuing my PhD degree in Yangtze University under the guidance of Prof Zhang Wenying, a crop breeding expert with interests in function Genetics in barley, wheat, and sweet potato, as well as plant abiotic stress. It is a pleasure and chance to learn by his side. I am also grateful for the help from him to continue my study in this well-known university.
School of Agriculture, Yangtze University is known as one of the of leading Colleges in the field of agriculture which makes Yangtze University the appropriate University. I have a passion for agriculture and all the technology associated from my childhood, and then want to become an excellent agronomist. The world population is still growing up every day and the capacity of feeding all this population is becoming a challenge, in term of quantity as well as quality. I have the eagerness of being part of those who provide alternatives solutions to this problem. And somehow, I have the conviction that the School of Agriculture, Yangtze University will provide tolls to accomplish my dream. The conditions of study are well set with the help of the Chinese government to give all the chance and satisfaction of experiences acquisition to students.
I hereby recommend Yangtze University to all students who are in love with future agriculture and are thirsty of knowledge. It will be an excellent decision to join us here to realize your dreams. Moreover, as an international student, I noticed the high availability and generosity of both teachers and students to assist me. The assistance from teachers in School of International Education is a fact that soften international students’ admission process and familiarization with the new environment of study, and the new city. In addition, the population of Jingzhou is friendly and kind with a soft life style and the local food are really delicious. Yangtze university offers a suitable environment for study and I’m sure I will appreciate all the time that I will have to spend here.
“玉不琢不成器,人不磨难成才”。这是我刚到长江大学时被告知的第一件事。我的名字是 NIKABOU BATIGMA BOUNDJOU,是长江大学农学院作物遗传育种专业的多哥籍博士研究生。我在中国西南大学获得了硕士学位,为了继续追逐梦想,为自己争取一个接受更高层次教育的机会,我决定到长江大学攻读博士学位,师从作物育种专家张文英教授,研究方向是大麦、小麦和甘薯的功能遗传学。很高兴也很荣幸能在张教授的指导下进行学习和研究,非常感激张教授给我提供的帮助。长江大学农学院在农业学术领域有着卓越成果,这使