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The School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering

Article source: Editor: Release date: May 16, 2022 Clicks:

The School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering has 4 teaching institutions containing physics, optoelectronic engineering, physics education and physics experiment. There are 6 research institutes including applied physics and Information technology, advanced materials and devices, quantum optics and information photonics, theoretical physics and computational physics, optoelectronic technology, and physics education.

And there are 4 experimental centers including Hubei provincial engineering research center for energy-saving lighting sources, Hubei provincial basic physics experimental teaching demonstration center, the central and local co-constructed optoelectronic technology laboratory and the Yangtze university key laboratory of Micro-Nano photonic materials and devices. A distinctive subject of our school is Physics, which is a key discipline in Hubei Province, and with the right to grant first-level masters in physics and optical engineering. There are 3 undergraduate majors: Physics, Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering, and Quantum Information Science. Postgraduate education is carried out in five majors: Curriculum and Teaching Theory, Subject Teaching (Physics), Physics, Optical Engineering and Electronic Information.